At the conclusion of each game, the official will conduct a sportsmanship rating for each team based on their behavior, actions and attitudes before, during and after the game.
All behaviors and interactions from players, coaches and parents will be included in the final rating. It is the responsibility of the representative to inform all players, coaches and spectators about the rating system.
During the game, it is the coaches responsibility to control the behavior of the spectators for their team. In all cases, Field Supervisors and the Program Coordinator may provide input which could raise or lower an assigned rating.
Each week the ratings will be posted here for representatives, players, coaches and parents to review.
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5.0 Excellent Conduct & Sportsmanship
- Team members cooperate with and demonstrate excellent sportsmanship toward teammates, opponents, officials and supervisors.
- Team members demonstrate proper respect for all equipment and the facility.
- Team members honor the spirit and intent of the recreation sport game rules and/or program policies.
- Team members accept judgment decisions made by the officials during the contest.
- Coaches exhibit control over his/her players and spectators; he/she converses calmly and rationally with officials before, during and after games. Coaches who do not meet this standard are ineligible to receive a 5.0 rating for their team.
- Parents and spectators for both teams behave calmly and with positive comments/attitude before, during and after the game.
- The minimum number of team members needed to start the game are present, checked in, and ready to play prior to game time. If it was communicated to the Program Coordinator that a team will have low numbers, or need accommodations or adjustments for that game, there will be no penalty.
4.0 Good Conduct & Sportsmanship
- Teams begin at this level, and if no positive or negative actions occur, the team will receive this score.
- Team members exhibit good conduct and sportsmanship for the majority of the contest.
- Coaches, parents and spectators behave in a respectful and positive manner to others before, during and after the game.
- There are less than 2 verbal complaints by players or coaches to the official or opposing team throughout the game.
- Teams who receive one technical foul/unsportsmanlike penalty may not receive higher than a 4.0 rating.
- Team members do not show aggressive dissent toward the official or the opposing team.
3.0 Below Average Conduct & Sportsmanship
- Team shows verbal dissent toward officials and/or the opposing team which may or may not result in a technical foul/unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.
- Coaches demonstrate minor control over teammates/spectators and/or do not actively promote good sportsmanship.
- Parents/Spectators have less than 5 negative comments throughout the game.
- Team members occasionally use profanity, although it is not directed toward staff/opponents.
- If players are not dressed appropriately.
- At game time, the team is not able to produce the minimum number of participants, resulting in a forfeit. The opposing team will automatically receive a 4.0 rating in this situation.
- If at least one team player does not participate in telling the opposing team good job following the game, they will not receive higher than a 3.0 rating.
2.0 Poor Conduct & Sportsmanship
- Team members show some dissent toward staff/opponents or use any abusive/inappropriate language toward official/opponents.
- Team members are “trash talking” opponents and/or intimidating officials/opponents or playing dangerously/maliciously for the majority of the game.
- Coaches are unresponsive and uncooperative in helping officials control players behavior/attitude.
- Coaches/Parents/Spectators are continuously having negative/inappropriate language towards the opposing team or official.
- If more than one player does not participate in telling the opposing team good job following the game, they will not receive higher than a 2.0 rating.
1.0 Very Bad Conduct & Sportsmanship
- Team members show continuous dissent toward staff/opponents or use abusive/inappropriate language toward officials/opponents throughout the game.
- Team members are continuously “trash talking” opponents or officials.
- Players/Coaches/Spectators are threatening/making physical contact in an aggressive manner toward officials/opponents.
- Players/Coaches/Spectators are out of control or show a complete disregard for authority.
- Coaches show no control over the actions of his/her players.
- Any Players/Coaches/Spectators are ejected from the game.
- Team members damage/attempt to damage equipment or the facility.
- Any Player/Coach/Spectator that confronts an official or supervisor throughout or after the conclusion of the game will not receive higher than a 1.0 rating.
- Any team that receives a 1.0 rating will be reviewed by the Program Coordinator, reported to the school representative and will have a supervisor on site during the next game.