Urban Forestry

The City of Wooster maintains approximately 4,300+ shade trees in the city’s tree lawns, along with the thousands of parkland and forest trees in the city. We maintain those trees throughout the year with only 2 full time Arborists. These need to be maintained to keep them healthy and off of our roadways. The City of Wooster has been recognized as a “Tree City USA” for the last 47 years in a row. Our Urban Forestry crew tracks work orders, reports on plantings and various programs, researches plantings and develops reports to maintain these programs in good standing. The Urban Forestry staff is also responsible for the city’s downtown landscape beds and planting, along with the downtown pots and hanging baskets.

Dates for the 2024 Urban Forestry Commision meetings are: March 11th, April 8th, May 13th, September 9th, and December 9th. Meetings are held in City Hall Chambers at 5:00pm and are open to the public. 

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Where do I call if I notice a tree (in City tree lawn) needs trimmed, or looks diseased or unhealthy?

Call (330) 263-5275 to report it and we will send our arborist out to evaluate.

Can I prune my tree lawn tree? 

Please contact the city to evaluate the concern or refer to the Urban Forestry Policy Manual.

Can I remove or add a tree in my tree lawn?

Please contact the city to evaluate the concern or refer to the Urban Forestry Policy Manual.

Report Information
Report Information

Please contact 330-263-5275 for concerns of a City of Wooster tree or planting.