Snow Removal

Snow Plow

PPM is responsible for clearing snow off the roadways for over 400 lane miles inside the corporation limits. In an average snowfall season, we dedicate over 2000 man-hours clearing our streets to keep you safe!

The Public Properties Maintenance Division (PPM) provides snow and ice control for the city's 270-lane miles of highways and streets including over 100 cul-de-sacs. Snow and ice control is considered emergency work, which must be accomplished for public safety and the well being of our community. Our goal is to make all highways, streets, alleys and cul-de-sacs safe and accessible for vehicles properly equipped for winter driving conditions during and after a storm. Salt Spreading & Plowing Procedures

To ensure safe travel, PPM applies approximately 6500 tons of de-icer (salt) to the roadways each year. Snow plowing is not productive until snowfall reaches a depth of two inches. For any storm, crews will begin by spreading de-icers in an attempt to get a layer of brine against the pavement. If accumulations exceed two inches, crews will plow until such time as snowfall stops. As the last step in the cleanup from a storm, the area of the street adjacent to the gutter will be plowed back. This is done to allow melting materials to run off and ultimately reach the gutter. This will reduce the amount of icy patches that occur during evening refreezing.

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The city’s removal operations goal is to clear the most highly traveled roadways and major streets to facilitate traffic moving in and out of the city, emergency travel for fire, emergency medical and police personnel is the biggest snow removal priority. This is why primary streets are cleared first. The second priority is to clear minor streets, subdivisions, cul-de-sac streets and alleys. Alleys are cleared last because they carry the least amount of traffic. Because each snow/ice storm is different, there is careful planning in deciding how to handle snow removal operations. The number of trucks assigned and the plan implemented during any given storm is dependent on the severity of the storm.

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Helpful Information
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How can I avoid getting plowed in?

PPM receives many calls about snow being plowed into driveways. Although the city’s plows often leave snow across driveway entrances, the plows try to keep it to a minimum. This snow removal is the responsibility of the residents. Putting snow from driveways into the city streets is illegal and creates a hazard for drivers and a liability for the responsible party. When clearing your driveway apron, it’s best to pile snow past the driveway in the direction of travel. A common request related to this is asking that the driver turn or lift the plow blade at driveways. Since our main goal is to open the primary roads as soon as possible, lifting of blades at each driveway would slow down the snow removal operation significantly and leave snow on the road that may in turn be a hazard.

Snow Onto Roadways

Citizens and plowing contractors should NOT shovel, plow, or blow snow onto or across any City street. This delays the process of clearing the streets and is prohibited under City Ordinance 521.06 and Ohio Revised Code 4511.74.


Please note that the City does not clear sidewalks of snow and ice. It is the responsibility of the property owner to keep their sidewalks clear for the enjoyment of all.

City Parking Ban

City Ordinance 351.14 SNOW EMERGENCY Whenever during any period of twelve hours or less, snow falls in the City or in a section thereof, to a depth of three inches or more, an emergency is declared to exist in that such a heavy storm constitutes a serious public hazard impairing transportation. For announcements, please visit our homepage, our Facebook page via the link below, or by listening to WQKT radio 104.5 FM.

Emergency Snow Levels

The county sheriff, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code, may declare a snow emergency and temporarily close state routes and municipal streets within their jurisdiction when action is reasonably necessary for the prevention of the public peace.


Level 1 Alert

Roadways are hazardous with blowing and drifting snow. Roads are also icy. Drive very cautiously.

Level 2 Alert

Roadways are hazardous with blowing and drifting snow. Only those who feel it is necessary to drive should be out on the roadways. Contact your employer to see if you should report to work.

Level 3 Alert

ALL roadways are closed to non-emergency personnel. No one should be out during these conditions unless it is absolutely necessary to travel. All employees should contact their employer to see if they should report to work. Those traveling may subject themselves to arrest under 2917.13 of the Ohio Revised Code. This offense is a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.


For current snow emergency levels, visit the Wayne County Sheriff's Facebook via the link below. You can also find out the current level by calling 330-287-7744, or by listening to WQKT radio 104.5 FM or watching Clear Picture Cable channel 9.

Safety Tips

Clear all vehicle windows before driving, give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination, make sure that your tires are in good condition, buckle-up and always keep a safe distance from other vehicles, including plow trucks.

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