Responsibilities & Membership
The Design and Review Board’s responsibilities include:
- Review of Certificate of Appropriate applications for exterior changes to Landmark (Historic) Properties and properties within Landmark Districts
- Review of changes to signage for properties in the C-4 (Central Business) zoning district
- Providing recommendations on Development Plan applications for non-landmark properties in C-4 zoning district
- Providing recommendations to City Council for the designation of Landmarks and Landmark Districts
- Adopt and maintain the City of Wooster Design Guidelines
Current Design and Review Board Members are:
- Kris Boone
- James Fox, Vice Chair
- Daniel Kirk
- Jill Munro
- Carolyn Robinson
- Gretchen Tefs
- Shannon Waller, Chair
City Representative
- Vincent Marion - Planning and Zoning Manager
The Board meets the first Thursday of the month at City Hall. Meetings are typically held at 5:30 PM (Meeting time is subject to change).